The History of a Crime

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the Champs Elysées infantry and cavalry; in the Avenue Marigny artillery.  
Inside the circus is an entire regiment; it has bivouacked there all  
night. A squadron of the Municipal Guard is bivouacking in the Place  
Dauphine. A bivouac in the Council of State. A bivouac in the courtyard  
of the Tuileries. In addition, the garrisons of St. Germain and of  
Courbevoie. Two colonels killed, Loubeau, of the 75th, and Quilio. On all  
sides hospital attendants are passing, bearing litters. Ambulances are  
everywhere; in the Bazar de l'Industry (Boulevard Poissionière); in the  
Salle St. Jean at the Hôtel de Ville; in the Rue du Petit Carreau. In  
this gloomy battle nine brigades are engaged. All have a battery of  
artillery; a squadron of cavalry maintains the communications between the  
brigades; forty thousand men are taking part in the struggle; with a  
reserve of sixty thousand men; a hundred thousand soldiers upon Paris.  
Such is the Army of the Crime. The Reibell brigade, the first and second  
Lancers, protect the Elysée. The Ministers are all sleeping at the  
Ministry of the Interior, close by Morny. Morny watches, Magnan commands.  
To-morrow will be a terrible day."  
This page written, I went to bed, and fell asleep.  

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