The History of a Crime

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Falloux despises Dupin.  
The first shots were fired at the Record Office. In the Markets in the  
Rue Rambuteau, in the Rue Beaubourg I heard firing.  
"Fleury, the aide-de-camp, ventured to pass down the Rue Montmartre. A  
musket ball pierced his képi. He galloped quickly off. At one o'clock  
the regiments were summoned to vote on the coup d'état. All gave their  
adhesion. The students of law and medicine assembled together at the  
Ecole de Droit to protest. The Municipal Guards dispersed them. There  
were a great many arrests. This evening, patrols are everywhere.  
Sometimes an entire regiment forms a patrol.  
"Representative Hespel, who is six feet high, was not able to find a  
cell long enough for him at Mazas, and he has been obliged to remain in  
the porter's lodge, where he is carefully watched.  
"Mesdames Odilon Barrot and de Tocqueville do not know where their  
husbands are. They go from Mazas to Mont Valérien. The jailers are dumb.  
It is the 19th Light Infantry which attacked the barricade when Baudin  
was killed. Fifty men of the Gendarmerie Mobile have carried at the  
double the barricade of the Oratoire in the Rue St. Honoré. Moreover, the  
conflict reveals itself. They sound the tocsin at the Chapelle Bréa. One  
barricade overturned sets twenty barricades on their feet. There is the  
barricade of the Schools in the Rue St. André des Arts, the barricade of  
the Rue du Temple, the barricade of the Carrefour Phélippeaux defended by  
twenty young men who have all been killed; they are reconstructing it;  

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