The History of a Crime

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understands the thing," said he. The Elysée, which prides itself upon its  
refinement, only half-accepted Saint-Arnaud. His bloody side had caused  
his vulgar side to be condoned. Saint-Arnaud was brave, violent, and yet  
timid; he had the audacity of a gold-laced veteran and the awkwardness of  
a man who had formerly been "down upon his luck." We saw him one day in  
the tribune, pale, stammering, but daring. He had a long bony face, and  
a distrust-inspiring jaw. His theatrical name was Florivan. He was a  
strolling player transformed into a trooper. He died Marshal of France.  
An ill-omened figure.  
The two colonels who awaited Saint-Arnaud in the anteroom were two  
business-like men, both leaders of those decisive regiments which at  
critical times carry the other regiments with them, according to their  
instructions, into glory, as at Austerlitz, or into crime, as on the  
Eighteenth Brumaire. These two officers belonged to what Morny called  
"the cream of indebted and free-living colonels." We will not mention  
their names here; one is dead, the other is still living; he will  
recognize himself. Besides, we have caught a glimpse of them in the  
first pages of this book.  
One, a man of thirty-eight, was cunning, dauntless, ungrateful, three  
qualifications for success. The Duc d'Aumale had saved his life in the  
Aurés. He was then a young captain. A ball had pierced his body; he fell  
into a thicket; the Kabyles rushed up to cut off and carry away his  
head, when the Duc d'Aumale arriving with two officers, a soldier, and a  
bugler, charged the Kabyles and saved this captain. Having saved him, he  
loved him. One was grateful, the other was not. The one who was grateful  
was the deliverer. The Duc d'Aumale was pleased with this young captain  

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