The History of a Crime

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the barricade of the Rue de Bretagne, which at this moment Courtigis is  
bombarding. There is the barricade of the Invalides, the barricade of the  
Barrière des Martyres, the barricade of the Chapelle St. Denis. The  
councils of war are sitting in permanence, and order all prisoners to be  
shot. The 30th of the Line have shot a woman. Oil upon fire.  
The colonel of the 49th of the Line has resigned. Louis Bonaparte has  
appointed in his place Lieutenant Colonel Négrier. M. Brun, Officer of  
the Police of the Assembly, was arrested at the same time as the  
"It is said that fifty members of the majority have signed a protest at  
M. Odilon Barrot's house.  
This evening there is an increasing uneasiness at the Elysée.  
Incendiarism is feared. Two battalions of engineer-sappers have  
reinforced the Fire Brigade. Maupas has placed guards over the  
"Here are the military talons by which Paris has been grasped:--Bivouacs  
at all the strategical points. At the Pont Neuf and the Quai aux Fleurs,  
the Municipal Guards; at the Place de la Bastille twelve pieces of  
cannon, three mortars, lighted matches; at the corner of the Faubourg the  
six-storied houses are occupied by soldiers from top to bottom; the  
Marulaz brigade at the Hôtel de Ville; the Sauboul brigade at the  
Panthéon; the Courtigis brigade at the Faubourg St. Antoine; the Renaud  
division at the Faubourg St. Marceau. At the Legislative Palace the  
Chasseurs de Vincennes, and a battalion of the 15th Light Infantry; in  

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