The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 5

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the critical dictum that the "Paradise Lost" is to be devoutly admired  
throughout, with the absolute impossibility of maintaining for it,  
during perusal, the amount of enthusiasm which that critical dictum  
would demand. This great work, in fact, is to be regarded as poetical,  
only when, losing sight of that vital requisite in all works of Art,  
Unity, we view it merely as a series of minor poems. If, to preserve  
its Unity--its totality of effect or impression--we read it (as would be  
necessary) at a single sitting, the result is but a constant alternation  
of excitement and depression. After a passage of what we feel to be  
true poetry, there follows, inevitably, a passage of platitude which no  
critical prejudgment can force us to admire; but if, upon completing  
the work, we read it again, omitting the first book--that is to say,  
commencing with the second--we shall be surprised at now finding  
that admirable which we before condemned--that damnable which we had  
previously so much admired. It follows from all this that the ultimate,  
aggregate, or absolute effect of even the best epic under the sun, is a  
nullity:--and this is precisely the fact.  
In regard to the Iliad, we have, if not positive proof, at least very  
good reason for believing it intended as a series of lyrics; but,  
granting the epic intention, I can say only that the work is based in an  
imperfect sense of art. The modern epic is, of the supposititious ancient  
model, but an inconsiderate and blindfold imitation. But the day of  
these artistic anomalies is over. If, at any time, any very long poem  
were popular in reality, which I doubt, it is at least clear that no  
very long poem will ever be popular again.  

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