The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 5

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That the extent of a poetical work is, ceteris paribus, the measure  
of its merit, seems undoubtedly, when we thus state it, a proposition  
sufficiently absurd--yet we are indebted for it to the Quarterly  
Reviews. Surely there can be nothing in mere size, abstractly  
considered--there can be nothing in mere bulk, so far as a volume  
is concerned, which has so continuously elicited admiration from these  
saturnine pamphlets! A mountain, to be sure, by the mere sentiment of  
physical magnitude which it conveys, does impress us with a sense  
of the sublime--but no man is impressed after this fashion by the  
material grandeur of even "The Columbiad." Even the Quarterlies have  
not instructed us to be so impressed by it. As yet, they have not  
insisted on our estimating "Lamar" tine by the cubic foot, or Pollock  
by the pound--but what else are we to infer from their continual  
plating about "sustained effort"? If, by "sustained effort," any little  
gentleman has accomplished an epic, let us frankly commend him for the  
effort--if this indeed be a thing conk mendable--but let us forbear  
praising the epic on the effort's account. It is to be hoped that common  
sense, in the time to come, will prefer deciding upon a work of Art  
rather by the impression it makes--by the effect it produces--than by  
the time it took to impress the effect, or by the amount of "sustained  
effort" which had been found necessary in effecting the impression. The  
fact is, that perseverance is one thing and genius quite another--nor  
can all the Quarterlies in Christendom confound them. By and by, this  
proposition, with many which I have been just urging, will be received  
as self-evident. In the meantime, by being generally condemned as  

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