252 | 253 | 254 | 255 | 256 |
1 | 90 | 180 | 269 | 359 |
The dress was much torn and otherwise disordered. In the outer garment,
a slip, about a foot wide, had been torn upward from the bottom hem to
the waist, but not torn off. It was wound three times around the waist,
and secured by a sort of hitch in the back. The dress immediately
beneath the frock was of fine muslin; and from this a slip eighteen
inches wide had been torn entirely out--torn very evenly and with great
care. It was found around her neck, fitting loosely, and secured with a
hard knot. Over this muslin slip and the slip of lace, the strings of a
bonnet were attached; the bonnet being appended. The knot by which the
strings of the bonnet were fastened, was not a lady's, but a slip or
sailor's knot.
After the recognition of the corpse, it was not, as usual, taken to the
Morgue, (this formality being superfluous,) but hastily interred not far
front the spot at which it was brought ashore. Through the exertions of
Beauvais, the matter was industriously hushed up, as far as possible;
and several days had elapsed before any public emotion resulted. A
weekly paper, (*9) however, at length took up the theme; the corpse was
disinterred, and a re-examination instituted; but nothing was elicited
beyond what has been already noted. The clothes, however, were
now submitted to the mother and friends of the deceased, and fully
identified as those worn by the girl upon leaving home.
Meantime, the excitement increased hourly. Several individuals were
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