The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 1

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St. Andrée, about nine o'clock in the morning of Sunday June the  
twenty-second, 18--. In going out, she gave notice to a Monsieur Jacques  
St. Eustache, (*7) and to him only, of her intent intention to spend the  
day with an aunt who resided in the Rue des Drômes. The Rue des Drômes  
is a short and narrow but populous thoroughfare, not far from the banks  
of the river, and at a distance of some two miles, in the most direct  
course possible, from the pension of Madame Rogêt. St. Eustache was the  
accepted suitor of Marie, and lodged, as well as took his meals, at  
the pension. He was to have gone for his betrothed at dusk, and to  
have escorted her home. In the afternoon, however, it came on to rain  
heavily; and, supposing that she would remain all night at her aunt's,  
as she had done under similar circumstances before,) he did not think  
it necessary to keep his promise. As night drew on, Madame Rogêt (who  
was an infirm old lady, seventy years of age,) was heard to express  
a fear "that she should never see Marie again;" but this observation  
attracted little attention at the time.  
On Monday, it was ascertained that the girl had not been to the Rue des  
Drômes; and when the day elapsed without tidings of her, a tardy search  
was instituted at several points in the city, and its environs. It was  
not, however until the fourth day from the period of disappearance that  
any thing satisfactory was ascertained respecting her. On this day,  
(Wednesday, the twenty-fifth of June,) a Monsieur Beauvais, (*8) who,  
with a friend, had been making inquiries for Marie near the Barrière  
du Roule, on the shore of the Seine which is opposite the Rue Pavée St.  

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