The History of a Crime

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added, "Whose orders; Let us see the orders. Who signed the orders?"  
The major drew forth a paper and unfolded it. Scarcely had he unfolded  
it than he attempted to replace it in his pocket, but General Leydet  
threw himself upon him and seized his arm. Several Representatives leant  
forward, and read the order for the expulsion of the Assembly, signed  
"Fortoul, Minister of the Marine."  
Marc Dufraisse turned towards the Gendarmes Mobiles, and cried out to  
"Soldiers, your very presence here is an act of treason. Leave the  
The soldiers seemed undecided. Suddenly a second column emerged from the  
door on the right, and at a signal from the commander, the captain  
"Forward! Turn them all out!"  
Then began an indescribable hand-to-hand fight between the gendarmes and  
the legislators. The soldiers, with their guns in their hands, invaded  
the benches of the Senate. Repellin, Chanay, Rantion, were forcibly torn  
from their seats. Two gendarmes rushed upon Marc Dufraisse, two upon  
Gambon. A long struggle took place on the first bench of the Right, the  
same place where MM. Odilon Barrot and Abbatucci were in the habit of  
sitting. Paulin Durrieu resisted violence by force, it needed three men  
to drag him from his bench. Monet was thrown down upon the benches of the  

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