The History of a Crime

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The soldiers as yet only blocked up the lobby of the Left, and had not  
passed beyond the Tribune.  
Then the Representative Monet read the Articles 36, 37, and 68 of the  
Articles 36 and 37 established the inviolability of the  
Representatives. Article 68 deposed the President in the event of  
That moment was a solemn one. The soldiers listened in silence.  
The Articles having been read, Representative d'Adelsward, who sat on  
the first lower bench of the Left, and who was nearest to the soldiers,  
turned towards them and said,--  
"Soldiers, you see that the President of the Republic is a traitor, and  
would make traitors of you. You violate the sacred precinct of rational  
Representation. In the name of the Constitution, in the name of the Law,  
we order you to withdraw."  
While Adelsward was speaking, the major commanding the Gendarmerie  
Mobile had entered.  
"Gentlemen," said he, "I have orders to request you to retire, and, if  
you do not withdraw of your own accord, to expel you."  
"Orders to expel us!" exclaimed Adelsward; and all the Representatives  

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