The History of a Crime

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Colonel Garderens was on horseback near a group of soldiers, which  
attracted the attention of the Representatives Teillard-Latérisse,  
Fayolle, and Paulin Durrieu.  
In the middle of this group three men, who had been arrested, were  
struggling crying, "Long live the Constitution! Vive la République!"  
Fayolle, Paulin Durrieu, and Teillard-Latérisse approached, and  
recognized in the three prisoners three members of the majority,  
Representatives Toupet-des-Vignes Radoubt, Lafosse, and Arbey.  
Representative Arbey was warmly protesting. As he raised his voice,  
Colonel Garderens cut him short with these words, which are worthy of  
Hold your tongue! One word more, and I will have you thrashed with the  
butt-end of a musket."  
The three Representatives of the Left indignantly called on the Colonel  
to release their colleagues.  
"Colonel," said Fayolle, "You break the law threefold."  
I will break it sixfold," answered the Colonel, and he arrested  
Fayolle, Durrieu, and Teillard-Latérisse.  
The soldiery were ordered to conduct them to the guard house of the  
Palace then being built for the Minister of Foreign Affairs.  

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