The History of a Crime

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will not withdraw?"  
I shall go and obtain force."  
Do so."  
He left the room, and in actual fact went to obtain orders from the  
Ministry of the Interior.  
The Representatives waited in that kind of indescribable agitation which  
might be called the Strangling of Right by Violence.  
In a short time one of them who had gone out came back hastily, and warned  
them that two companies of the Gendarmerie Mobile were coming with  
their guns in their hands.  
Marc Dufraisse cried out, "Let the outrage be thorough. Let the coup  
d'état find us on our seats. Let us go to the Salle des Séances," he  
added. "Since things have come to such a pass, let us afford the genuine  
and living spectacle of an 18th Brumaire."  
They all repaired to the Hall of Assembly. The passage was free. The  
Salle Casimir-Périer was not yet occupied by the soldiers.  
They numbered about sixty. Several were girded with their scarves of  
office. They entered the Hall meditatively.  

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