The History of a Crime

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Each of the two Commissaries was followed by that species of police  
agent which is called "the Commissary's dog."  
At the same time strange warnings reached the Committee; the following  
letter[18] was brought to our knowledge.  
3d December.  
To-day at six o'clock, 25,000 francs has been offered to any one who  
arrests or kills Hugo.  
You know where he is. He must not go out under any pretext whatever.  
Yours ever,  
At the back was written, "Bocage, 18, Rue Cassette." It was necessary  
that the minutest details should be considered. In the different places  
of combat a diversity of passwords prevailed, which might cause danger.  
For the password on the day before we had given the name of "Baudin." In  
imitation of this the names of other Representatives had been adopted as  
passwords on barricades. In the Rue Rambuteau the password was "Eugène  
Sue and Michel de Bourges;" in the Rue Beaubourg, "Victor Hugo;" at the  
Saint Denis chapel, "Esquiros and De Flotte." We thought it necessary to  

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