The History of a Crime

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by any organized body: and moreover the attempt of the Royalists in the  
Tenth Arrondissement has roused apprehension. People dread lest they  
should see them reappear when all is accomplished."  
Now, this man so intelligent and so courageous recovered confidence,  
and he wrote,--  
Decidedly, Louis Napoleon is afraid. The police reports are alarming  
for him. The resistance of the Republican Representatives is bearing  
fruit. Paris is arming. Certain regiments appear ready to turn back.  
The Gendarmerie itself is not to be depended upon, and this morning an  
entire regiment refused to march. Disorder is beginning to show itself  
in the services. Two batteries fired upon each other for a long time  
without recognition. One would say that the coup d'état is about to  
The symptoms, as may be seen, were growing more reassuring.  
Had Maupas become unequal to the task? Had they resorted to a more  
skilful man? An incident seemed to point to this. On the preceding  
evening a tall man had been seen, between five and seven o'clock,  
walking up and down before the café of the Place Saint-Michel; he had  
been joined by two of the Commissaries of the Police who had effected  
the arrests of the 2d of December, and had talked to them for a long  
time. This man was Carlier. Was he about to supplant Maupas?  
The Representative Labrousse, seated at a table of the café, had  
witnessed this conspirators' parley.  

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