The History of a Crime

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commenced on these two points. Captain Jourdan, we may at once mention,  
did what he had promised us; unfortunately, as we learnt that evening,  
he began perhaps a little too soon. As he had foreseen, a moment arrived  
when the square of the Hôtel de Ville was almost devoid of troops, General  
Herbillon having been forced to leave it with his cavalry to take the  
barricades of the centre in the rear. The attack of the Republicans burst  
forth instantly. Musket shots were fired from the windows on the Quai  
Lepelletier; but the left of the column was still on the Pont d'Arcole,  
a line of riflemen had been placed by a major named Larochette before  
the Hôtel de Ville, the 44th retraced its steps, and the attempt  
Bastide arrived, with Chauffour and Laissac.  
Good news," said he to us, "all is going on well." His grave, honest,  
and dispassionate countenance shone with a sort of patriotic serenity.  
He came from the barricades, and was about to return thither. He had  
received two balls in his cloak. I took him aside, and said to him,  
Are you going back?" "Yes." "Take me with you." "No," answered he,  
you are necessary here. To-day you are the general, I am the soldier."  
I insisted in vain. He persisted in refusing, repeating continually.  
The Committee is our centre, it should not disperse itself. It is your  
duty to remain here. Besides," added he, "Make your mind easy. You run  
here more risk than we do. If you are taken you will be shot." "Well,  
then," said I, "the moment may come when our duty will be to join in  
the combat." "Without doubt." I resumed, "You who are on the barricades  
will be better judges than we shall of that moment. Give me your word  
of honor that you will treat me as you would wish me to treat you, and  

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