The History of a Crime

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for having given him an opportunity for a deed of gallantry. He made  
him a major; in 1849 this major became lieutenant-colonel, and commanded  
a storming column at the siege of Rome; he then came back to Africa,  
where Fleury bought him over at the same time as Saint-Arnaud. Louis  
Bonaparte made him colonel in July, 1851, and reckoned upon him. In  
November this colonel of Louis Bonaparte wrote to the Duc d'Aumale,  
Nothing need be apprehended from this miserable adventurer." In  
December he commanded one of the massacring regiments. Later on, in the  
Dobrudscha, an ill-used horse turned upon him and bit off his cheek, so  
that there was only room on his face for one slap.  
The other man was growing gray, and was about forty-eight. He also was  
a man of pleasure and of murder. Despicable as a citizen; brave as a  
soldier. He was one of the first who had sprung into the breach at  
Constantine. Plenty of bravery and plenty of baseness. No chivalry but  
that of the green cloth. Louis Bonaparte had made him colonel in 1851.  
His debts had been twice paid by two Princes; the first time by the Duc  
d'Orléans, the second time by the Duc de Némours.  
Such were these colonels.  
Saint-Arnaud spoke to them for some time in a low tone.  

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