The History of a Crime

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In that case will you consent to print it?"  
He continued,--  
"Having no longer any presses, as I have told you, I can only print it  
as a handbill, and with the brush. It takes a long time, but by eight  
o'clock this evening you shall have five hundred copies."  
"And," continued I, "you persist in refusing to print the appeal to  
"I do persist."  
A second copy was made of the decree, which Emile de Girardin took away  
with him. The deliberation was resumed. At each moment Representatives  
came in and brought items of news: Amiens in insurrection--Rheims and  
Rouen in motion, and marching on Paris--General Canrobert resisting the  
coup d'état--General Castellane hesitating--the Minister of the United  
States demanding his passports. We placed little faith in these rumors,  
and facts proved that we were right.  
Meanwhile Jules Favre had drawn up the following decree, which he  
proposed, and which was immediately adopted:--  

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