The History of a Crime

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The Representatives of the people remaining at liberty, by virtue of  
Article 68 of the Constitution, which runs as follows:--  
'Article 68.--Every measure by which the President of the Republic  
dissolves the Assembly, prorogues it, or obstructs the exercise of  
its authority, is a crime of High Treason.  
'By this action alone the President is deposed from his office; the  
citizens are bound to refuse him obedience; the executive power  
passes by right to the National Assembly; the judges of the High  
Court of Justice should meet together immediately under penalty of  
treason, and convoke the juries in a place which they shall appoint  
to proceed to the judgment of the President and his accomplices.'  
ARTICLE I.--Louis Bonaparte is deposed from his office of President  
of the Republic.  
ARTICLE II.--All citizens and public officials are bound to refuse  
him obedience under penalty of complicity.  
ARTICLE III.--The judgment drawn up on December 2d by the High Court  
of Justice, and which declares Louis Bonaparte attainted with the  
Crime of High Treason, shall be published and executed. Consequently  
the civil and military authorities are summoned under penalty of  

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