The History of a Crime

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The undersigned Representatives remaining at liberty, assembled in  
Permanent Session,--  
Considering the arrest of the majority of our colleagues, and the  
urgency of the moment:  
Considering that for the accomplishment of his crime Louis Bonaparte  
has not contented himself with multiplying the most formidable means of  
destruction against the lives and property of the citizens of Paris,  
that he has trampled under foot every law, that he has annihilated all  
the guarantees of civilized nations:  
Considering that these criminal madnesses only serve to augment the  
violent denunciation of every conscience and to hasten the hour of  
national vengeance, but that it is important to proclaim the Right:  
ARTICLE I.--The State of Siege is raised in all Departments where it  
has been established, the ordinary laws resume their authority.  
ARTICLE II.--It is enjoined upon all military leaders under penalty  
of Treason immediately to lay down the extraordinary powers which  

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