The History of a Crime

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personally, great dancer. Of all the men in the Assembly you are the one  
whom the President hates the most. You have from the height of the  
Tribune nicknamed him, 'Napoleon the Little.' You understand that will  
never be forgotten. Besides, it was you who dictated the appeal to arms,  
and that is known. If you are taken, you are lost. You will be shot on  
the spot, or at least transported. Have you a safe place where you can  
sleep to-night?"  
I had not as yet thought of this. "In truth, no," answered I.  
He continued, "Well, then, come to my house. There is perhaps only one  
house in Paris where you would be in safety. That is mine. They will not  
come to look for you there. Come, day or night, at what hour you please,  
I will await you, and I will open the door to you myself. I live at No.  
, Rue d'Alger."  
I thanked him. It was a noble and cordial offer. I was touched by it. I  
did not make use of it, but I have not forgotten it.  
They cried out anew, "Read the decree! Sit down! sit down!"  
There was a round table before the fire place; a lamp, pens,  
blotting-books, and paper were brought there; the members of the  
Committee sat down at this table, the Representatives took their places  
around them on sofas, on arm-chairs, and on all the chairs which could  
be found in the adjoining rooms. Some looked about for Napoleon  
Bonaparte. He had withdrawn.  

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