The History of a Crime

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This last placard, printed on little squares of paper, was distributed  
abroad, says an historian of the coup d'état, by thousands of copies.  
For their part the criminals installed in the Government offices replied  
by threats: the great white placards, that is to say, the official  
bills, were largely multiplied. On one could be read:--  
Decree as follows:--  
ARTICLE I. All meetings are rigorously prohibited. They will be  
immediately dispersed by force.  
ARTICLE II. All seditious shouts, all reading in public, all posting  
of political documents not emanating from a regularly constituted  
authority, are equally prohibited.  
ARTICLE III. The agents of the Public Police will enforce the execution  
of the present decree.  
Given at the Prefecture of Police, December 3, 1851.  
DE MAUPAS, Prefect of Police.  
Seen and approved,  

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