The History of a Crime

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aroused Belleville. The troops, growing more numerous every moment,  
took possession of all the strategical points of Paris.  
At one o'clock, a young man was brought to us by the legal adviser of  
the Workmen's Societies, the ex-Constituent Leblond, at whose house the  
Committee had deliberated that morning. We were sitting in permanence,  
Carnot, Jules Favre, Michel de Bourges, and myself. This young man, who  
had an earnest mode of speaking and an intelligent countenance, was  
named King. He had been sent to us by the Committee of the Workmen's  
Society, from whom he was delegated. "The Workmen's Societies," he said  
to us, "place themselves at the disposal of the Committee of Legal  
Insurrection appointed by the Left. They can throw into the struggle  
five or six thousand resolute men. They will manufacture powder; as for  
guns, they will be found." The Workmen's Society requested from us an  
order to fight signed by us. Jules Favre took a pen and wrote,--"The  
undersigned Representatives authorize Citizen King and his friends to  
defend with them, and with arms in their hands, Universal Suffrage, the  
Republic, the Laws." He dated it, and we all four signed it. "That is  
enough," said the delegate to us, "you will hear of us."  
Two hours afterwards it was reported to us that the conflict had begun.  
They were fighting in the Rue Aumaire.  
10] A typographical error--it should read "Article LXVIII." On the  
subject of this placard the author of this book received the following  
letter. It does honor to those who wrote it:--  

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