The History of a Crime

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established, therefore, in all the districts where it was possible  
Committees of Permanence in connection with us, the Central Committee,  
and composed either of Representatives or of faithful citizens. For our  
watchword we chose "Baudin."  
Towards noon the centre of Paris began to grow agitated.  
Our appeal to arms was first seen placarded on the Place de la Bourse  
and the Rue Montmartre. Groups pressed round to read it, and battled  
with the police, who endeavored to tear down the bills. Other  
lithographic placards contained in two parallel columns the decree of  
deposition drawn up by the Right at the Mairie of the Tenth  
Arrondissement, and the decree of outlawry voted by the Left. There were  
distributed, printed on gray paper in large type, the judgment of the  
High Court of Justice, declaring Louis Bonaparte attainted with the  
Crime of High Treason, and signed "Hardouin" (President), "Delapalme,"  
"Moreau" (of the Seine), "Cauchy," "Bataille" (Judges). This last name  
was thus mis-spelt by mistake, it should read "Pataille."  
At that moment people generally believed, and we ourselves believed, in  
this judgment, which, as we have seen, was not the genuine judgment.  
At the same time they posted in the populous quarters, at the corner of  
every street, two Proclamations. The first ran thus:--  

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