The History of a Crime

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You know the Constitution?" said Schoelcher.  
I only know my instructions."  
There is an instruction above all other instructions," continued  
Schoelcher, "obligatory upon the Soldier as upon the Citizen--the Law."  
He turned again towards the soldiers to harangue them, but the captain  
cried out to him,--  
Not another word! You shall not go on! If you add one word, I shall  
give the order to fire."  
What does that matter to us?" said Schoelcher.  
At this moment an officer arrived on horseback. It was the major of the  
regiment. He whispered for a moment to the captain.  
Gentlemen! Representatives!" continued the captain, waving his sword,  
withdraw, or I shall fire."  
"Fire!" shouted De Flotte.  
The Representatives--strange and heroic copy of Fontenoy--took off their  
hats, and faced the muskets.  
Schoelcher alone kept his hat on his head, and waited with his arms  

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