The History of a Crime

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The other Representatives who had remained at the barricade made their  
last preparations for resistance. The combatants maintained an intrepid  
bearing. The Naval Lieutenant Cournet towered above them all with his  
tall stature. Baudin, still standing on the overturned omnibus, leaned  
half over the barricade.  
On seeing the Representatives approach, the soldiers and their officers  
were for the moment bewildered. Meanwhile the captain signed to the  
Representatives to stop.  
They stopped, and Schoelcher said in an impressive voice,--  
"Soldiers! we are the Representatives of the Sovereign People, we are  
your Representatives, we are the Elect of Universal Suffrage. In the  
name of the Constitution, in the name of Universal Suffrage, in the name  
of the Republic, we, who are the National Assembly, we, who are the Law,  
order you to join us, we summon you to obey. We ourselves are your  
leaders. The Army belongs to the People, and the Representatives of the  
People are the Chiefs of the Army. Soldiers! Louis Bonaparte violates  
the Constitution, we have outlawed him. Obey us."  
The officer who was in command, a captain named Petit, did not allow him  
to finish.  
Gentlemen," he said, "I have my orders. I belong to the People. I am a  
Republican as you are, but I am only an instrument."  

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