The History of a Crime

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captain, and touched him with his bayonet. The point encountered the  
book of the addresses of the Representatives, which Schoelcher had in  
his pocket, and only pierced his clothing.  
A soldier said to De Flotte, "Citizen, we do not wish to hurt you."  
Nevertheless a soldier came up to Bruckner and pointed his gun at him.  
Well," said Bruckner, "fire."  
The soldier, touched, lowered his arm, and shook Bruckner's hand.  
It was singular that, notwithstanding the order given by the officers,  
the two companies successively came up to the Representatives, charged  
with the bayonet, and turned aside. Instructions may order, but instinct  
prevails; instructions may be crime, but instinct is honor. Major P----  
said afterwards, "They had told us that we should have to deal with  
brigands, we had to deal with heroes."  
Meanwhile those on the barricade were growing uneasy, and seeing their  
colleagues surrounded, and wishing to succor them, they fired a musket  
shot. This unfortunate shot killed a soldier between De Flotte and  
The officer who commanded the second attacking squad passed close to  
Schoelcher as the poor soldier fell. Schoelcher pointed out the fallen  
man to the officer, and said to him, "Lieutenant, look!"  

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