The History of a Crime

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I questioned him. "Are you sure of your movement for to-night?"  
He answered me, "We have prepared it, and we reckon to be there."  
"In that case," said I, "as soon as the first barricade is constructed I  
will be behind it. Come and fetch me."  
Wherever I may be."  
He assured me that if the movement should take place during the night he  
would know it at half-past ten that evening at the latest, and that I  
should be informed of it before eleven o'clock. We settled that in  
whatever place I might be at that hour I would send word to Auguste, who  
undertook to let him know.  
The young woman continued to peep out at us. The conversation was growing  
prolonged, and might seem singular to the people in the parlor. "I am  
going," said I to Auguste.  
I had opened the door, he took my hand, pressed it as a woman might have  
done, and said to me in a deeply-moved tone, "You are going: will you  
come back?"  
I do not know."  

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