The History of a Crime

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eat, they sleep, they think of nothing. Such are they all!"  
The other interrupted him impetuously: "One man is not the People!"  
And turning towards me,--  
Citizen Victor Hugo, they will march forward. If all do not march, some  
will march. To tell the truth, it is perhaps not here that a beginning  
should be made, it is on the other side of the water."  
And suddenly checking himself,--"After all, you probably do not know my  
He took a little pocket-book from his pocket, tore out a piece of paper,  
wrote on it his name, and gave it to me. I regret having forgotten that  
name. He was a working engineer. In order not to compromise him, I burnt  
this paper with many others on the Saturday morning, when I was on the  
point of being arrested.  
"It is true, sir," said Auguste, "you must not judge badly of the  
Faubourg. As my friend has said, it will perhaps not be the first to  
begin; but if there is a rising it will rise."  
I exclaimed, "And who would you have erect if the Faubourg St. Antoine be  
prostrate! Who will be alive if the people be dead!"  
The engineer went to the street door, made certain that it was well shut,  
then came back, and said,--  

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