The History of a Crime

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There are many men ready and willing. It is the leaders who are wanting.  
Listen, Citizen Victor Hugo, I can say this to you, and," he added,  
lowering his voice, "I hope for a movement to-night."  
On the Faubourg St. Marceau."  
At what time?"  
At one o'clock."  
How do you know it?"  
Because I shall be there."  
He continued: "Now, Citizen Victor Hugo, if a movement takes place  
to-night in the Faubourg St. Marceau, will you head it? Do you consent?"  
"Have you your scarf of office?"  
I half drew it out of my pocket. His eyes glistened with joy.  
"Excellent," said he. "The Citizen has his pistols, the Representative  
his scarf. All are armed."  

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