The History of a Crime

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"You are ordered to dissolve the High Court, and, in case of refusal, to  
arrest MM. Béranger, Rocher, De Boissieux, Pataille, and Hello."  
And, turning towards the judges, the President added,--  
Signed, Maupas."  
Then, addressing himself to the Commissary, he resumed,--  
There is some mistake, these are not our names. MM. Béranger, Rocher,  
and De Boissieux have served their time and are no longer judges of the  
High Court; as for M. Hello, he is dead."  
The High Court, in reality, was temporary and renewable; the coup  
d'état overthrew the Constitution, but did not understand it. The  
warrant signed "Maupas" was applicable to the preceding High Court. The  
coup d'état had been misled by an old list. Such is the heedlessness of  
"Mr. Commissary of Police," continued the President, "you see that these  
names are not ours."  
That does not matter to me," replied the Commissary. "Whether this  
warrant does or does not apply to you, disperse, or I shall arrest all of  
And he added,--  

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