The History of a Crime

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"At once."  
The judges were silenced; one of them picked up from the table a loose  
sheet of paper, which was the judgment they had drawn up, and put the  
paper in his pocket.  
Then they went away.  
The Commissary pointed to the door where the bayonets were, and said,--  
That way."  
They went out by the lobby between two ranks of soldiers. The detachment  
of Republican Guards escorted them as far as the St. Louis Gallery.  
There they set them free; their heads bowed down.  
It was about three o'clock.  
While these events were taking place in the Library, close by, in the  
former great Chamber of the Parliament, the Court of Cassation was  
sitting in judgment as usual, without noticing what was happening so near  
at hand. It would appear, then, that the police exhaled no odor.  
Let us at once have done with this High Court.  
In the evening at half-past seven the seven judges met together at the  
house of one of their number, he who had taken away the decree; they  

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