The History of a Crime

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police agents.  
The High Court was, in truth, in session. The President was relating to  
the judges his visit to the Procureur General. Suddenly a tumultuous  
sound of footsteps is heard in the lobby which leads from the Council  
Chamber to the room where they were deliberating. The door opens  
abruptly. Bayonets appear, and in the midst of the bayonets a man in a  
buttoned-up overcoat, with a tricolored sash upon his coat.  
The magistrates stare, stupefied.  
"Gentlemen," said the man, "dissolve your meeting immediately."  
President Hardouin rises.  
What does this mean? Who are you? Are you aware to whom you are  
"I am aware. You are the High Court, and I am the Commissary of the  
Well, then?"  
Be off."  
There were there thirty-five municipal guards, commanded by a lieutenant,  
and with a drum at their head.  

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