165 | 166 | 167 | 168 | 169 |
1 | 90 | 180 | 269 | 359 |
"Now, if, in place of the unknown characters, we leave blank spaces, or
substitute dots, we read thus:
the tree thr...h the,
when the word 'through' makes itself evident at once. But this
discovery gives us three new letters, o, u and g, represented by
? and 3.
"Looking now, narrowly, through the cipher for combinations of known
characters, we find, not very far from the beginning, this arrangement,
3(88, or egree,
which, plainly, is the conclusion of the word 'degree,' and gives us
another letter, d, represented by ꢀ.
"Four letters beyond the word 'degree,' we perceive the combination
Translating the known characters, and representing the unknown by dots,
as before, we read thus: th rtee. an arrangement immediately suggestive
of the word 'thirteen,' and again furnishing us with two new characters,
i and n, represented by 6 and *.
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