The Works of Edgar Allan Poe - Volume 1

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metallic lustre than the scales emit--but of this you cannot judge  
till tomorrow. In the mean time I can give you some idea of the shape."  
Saying this, he seated himself at a small table, on which were a pen and  
ink, but no paper. He looked for some in a drawer, but found none.  
"Never mind," said he at length, "this will answer;" and he drew from  
his waistcoat pocket a scrap of what I took to be very dirty foolscap,  
and made upon it a rough drawing with the pen. While he did this, I  
retained my seat by the fire, for I was still chilly. When the design  
was complete, he handed it to me without rising. As I received it, a  
loud growl was heard, succeeded by a scratching at the door. Jupiter  
opened it, and a large Newfoundland, belonging to Legrand, rushed in,  
leaped upon my shoulders, and loaded me with caresses; for I had shown  
him much attention during previous visits. When his gambols were over, I  
looked at the paper, and, to speak the truth, found myself not a little  
puzzled at what my friend had depicted.  
Well!" I said, after contemplating it for some minutes, "this is a  
strange scarabæus, I must confess: new to me: never saw anything like it  
before--unless it was a skull, or a death's-head--which it more nearly  
resembles than anything else that has come under my observation."  
"A death's-head!" echoed Legrand--"Oh--yes--well, it has something of  
that appearance upon paper, no doubt. The two upper black spots look  
like eyes, eh? and the longer one at the bottom like a mouth--and then  

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