576 | 577 | 578 | 579 | 580 |
1 | 198 | 396 | 594 | 792 |
And there's nothing I can send in my little box to the washer-
woman's, is there?' said Smangle, turning from Sam to Mr Pickwick,
with an air of some discomfiture.
Nothin' whatever, Sir,' retorted Sam; 'I'm afeered the little box must
be chock full o' your own as it is.'
This speech was accompanied with such a very expressive look at that
particular portion of Mr Smangle's attire, by the appearance of which
the skill of laundresses in getting up gentlemen's linen is generally
tested, that he was fain to turn upon his heel, and, for the present at
any rate, to give up all design on Mr Pickwick's purse and wardrobe.
He accordingly retired in dudgeon to the racket-ground, where he
made a light and whole- some breakfast on a couple of the cigars
which had been purchased on the previous night. Mr Mivins, who was
no smoker, and whose account for small articles of chandlery had also
reached down to the bottom of the slate, and been 'carried over' to the
other side, remained in bed, and, in his own words, 'took it out in
After breakfasting in a small closet attached to the coffee- room, which
bore the imposing title of the Snuggery, the temporary inmate of
which, in consideration of a small additional charge, had the
unspeakable advantage of overhearing all the conversation in the
coffee-room aforesaid; and, after despatching Mr Weller on some
necessary errands, Mr Pickwick repaired to the lodge, to consult Mr
Roker concerning his future accommodation.
Accommodation, eh?' said that gentleman, consulting a large book.
Plenty of that, Mr Pickwick. Your chummage ticket will be on twenty-
seven, in the third.'
Oh,' said Mr Pickwick. 'My what, did you say?'
Your chummage ticket,' replied Mr Roker; 'you're up to that?'
Not quite,' replied Mr Pickwick, with a smile.
Why,' said Mr Roker, 'it's as plain as Salisbury. You'll have a
chummage ticket upon twenty-seven in the third, and them as is in
the room will be your chums.'
Are there many of them?' inquired Mr Pickwick dubiously.
Three,' replied Mr Roker.
Mr Pickwick coughed.
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