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Sam,' said Mr Pickwick.
Sir,' rejoined that gentleman.
Has anything new occurred since last night?'
Nothin' partickler, sir,' replied Sam, glancing at Mr Smangle's
whiskers; 'the late prewailance of a close and confined atmosphere
has been rayther favourable to the growth of veeds, of an alarmin' and
sangvinary natur; but vith that 'ere exception things is quiet enough.'
I shall get up,' said Mr Pickwick; 'give me some clean things.'
Whatever hostile intentions Mr Smangle might have entertained, his
thoughts were speedily diverted by the unpacking of the portmanteau;
the contents of which appeared to impress him at once with a most
favourable opinion, not only of Mr Pickwick, but of Sam also, who, he
took an early opportunity of declaring in a tone of voice loud enough
for that eccentric personage to overhear, was a regular thoroughbred
original, and consequently the very man after his own heart. As to Mr
Pickwick, the affection he conceived for him knew no limits.
'Now is there anything I can do for you, my dear Sir?' said Smangle.
'Nothing that I am aware of, I am obliged to you,' replied Mr Pickwick.
'No linen that you want sent to the washerwoman's? I know a
delightful washerwoman outside, that comes for my things twice a
week; and, by Jove! - how devilish lucky! - this is the day she calls.
Shall I put any of those little things up with mine? Don't say anything
about the trouble. Confound and curse it! if one gentleman under a
cloud is not to put himself a little out of the way to assist another
gentleman in the same condition, what's human nature?'
Thus spake Mr Smangle, edging himself meanwhile as near as
possible to the portmanteau, and beaming forth looks of the most
fervent and disinterested friendship.
There's nothing you want to give out for the man to brush, my dear
creature, is there?' resumed Smangle.
Nothin' whatever, my fine feller,' rejoined Sam, taking the reply into
his own mouth. 'P'raps if vun of us wos to brush, without troubling
the man, it 'ud be more agreeable for all parties, as the schoolmaster
said when the young gentleman objected to being flogged by the
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