The Pickwick Papers

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who were called in, in the order in which their respective  
appointments stood upon the file. Every time this door was opened to  
let a party out, the next party made a violent rush to get in; and, as in  
addition to the numerous dialogues which passed between the  
gentlemen who were waiting to see the judge, a variety of personal  
squabbles ensued between the greater part of those who had seen  
him, there was as much noise as could well be raised in an apartment  
of such confined dimensions.  
Nor were the conversations of these gentlemen the only sounds that  
broke upon the ear. Standing on a box behind a wooden bar at  
another end of the room was a clerk in spectacles who was 'taking the  
affidavits'; large batches of which were, from time to time, carried into  
the private room by another clerk for the judge's signature. There were  
a large number of attorneys' clerks to be sworn, and it being a moral  
impossibility to swear them all at once, the struggles of these  
gentlemen to reach the clerk in spectacles, were like those of a crowd  
to get in at the pit door of a theatre when Gracious Majesty honours it  
with its presence. Another functionary, from time to time, exercised  
his lungs in calling over the names of those who had been sworn, for  
the purpose of restoring to them their affidavits after they had been  
signed by the judge, which gave rise to a few more scuffles; and all  
these things going on at the same time, occasioned as much bustle as  
the most active and excitable person could desire to behold. There  
were yet another class of persons - those who were waiting to attend  
summonses their employers had taken out, which it was optional to  
the attorney on the opposite side to attend or not - and whose  
business it was, from time to time, to cry out the opposite attorney's  
name; to make certain that he was not in attendance without their  
For example. Leaning against the wall, close beside the seat Mr  
Pickwick had taken, was an office-lad of fourteen, with a tenor voice;  
near him a common-law clerk with a bass one.  
A clerk hurried in with a bundle of papers, and stared about him.  
'Sniggle and Blink,' cried the tenor.  
Porkin and Snob,' growled the bass. 'Stumpy and Deacon,' said the  
Nobody answered; the next man who came in, was bailed by the whole  
three; and he in his turn shouted for another firm; and then  
somebody else roared in a loud voice for another; and so forth.  

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