556 | 557 | 558 | 559 | 560 |
1 | 198 | 396 | 594 | 792 |
'Very good,' said Mr Pickwick, with unmoved patience. 'Then we will
have a chop here, at two. See about it, Sam, and tell them to be
Mr Pickwick remaining firm, despite all the remonstrances and
arguments of Perker, the chops appeared and disappeared in due
course; he was then put into another hackney coach, and carried off
to Chancery Lane, after waiting half an hour or so for Mr Namby, who
had a select dinner-party and could on no account be disturbed
There were two judges in attendance at Serjeant's Inn - one King's
Bench, and one Common Pleas - and a great deal of business
appeared to be transacting before them, if the number of lawyer's
clerks who were hurrying in and out with bundles of papers, afforded
any test. When they reached the low archway which forms the
entrance to the inn, Perker was detained a few moments parlaying
with the coachman about the fare and the change; and Mr Pickwick,
stepping to one side to be out of the way of the stream of people that
were pouring in and out, looked about him with some curiosity.
The people that attracted his attention most, were three or four men of
shabby-genteel appearance, who touched their hats to many of the
attorneys who passed, and seemed to have some business there, the
nature of which Mr Pickwick could not divine. They were curious-
looking fellows. One was a slim and rather lame man in rusty black,
and a white neckerchief; another was a stout, burly person, dressed in
the same apparel, with a great reddish-black cloth round his neck; a
third was a little weazen, drunken-looking body, with a pimply face.
They were loitering about, with their hands behind them, and now
and then with an anxious countenance whispered something in the
ear of some of the gentlemen with papers, as they hurried by. Mr
Pickwick remembered to have very often observed them lounging
under the archway when he had been walking past; and his curiosity
was quite excited to know to what branch of the profession these
dingy-looking loungers could possibly belong.
He was about to propound the question to Namby, who kept close
beside him, sucking a large gold ring on his little finger, when Perker
bustled up, and observing that there was no time to lose, led the way
into the inn. As Mr Pickwick followed, the lame man stepped up to
him, and civilly touching his hat, held out a written card, which Mr
Pickwick, not wishing to hurt the man's feelings by refusing,
courteously accepted and deposited in his waistcoat pocket.
'Now,' said Perker, turning round before he entered one of the offices,
to see that his companions were close behind him. 'In here, my dear
sir. Hallo, what do you want?'
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