The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci Complete

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Let a b be the width of the light from a window, which falls on a  
stick set up at one foot from a c [Footnote 6: bastone (stick).  
The diagram has a sphere in place of a stick.]. And let a d be the  
space where all the light from the window is visible. At c e that  
part of the window which is between l b cannot be seen. In the  
same way a m cannot be seen from d f and therefore in these two  
portions the light begins to fail.  
Shadow as produced by two lights of different size (180. 181).  
A body in light and shade placed between two equal lights side by  
side will cast shadows in proportion to the [amount of] light. And  
the shadows will be one darker than the other in proportion as one  
light is nearer to the said body than the other on the opposite  
A body placed at an equal distance between two lights will cast two  
shadows, one deeper than the other in proportion, as the light which  
causes it is brighter than the other.  
[Footnote: In the MS. the larger diagram is placed above the first  
line; the smaller one between l. 4 & 5.]  

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