The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci Complete

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Footnote: 1337. On comparing this commencement of a letter l. 1-2  
with that in l. 3 and 4 of No. 1336 it is quite evident that both  
refer to the same event. (Compare also No. 1337 l. 10-l2 and 17 with  
No. 1336 l. 23, 24 and 32.) But the text No. 1336, including the  
fragment l. 3-4, was obviously written later than the draft here  
reproduced. The Diodario is not directly addressed--the person  
addressed indeed is not known--and it seems to me highly probable  
that it was written to some other patron and friend whose name and  
position are not mentioned.]  
Having often made you, by my letters, acquainted with the things  
which have happened, I think I ought not to be silent as to the  
events of the last few days, which--[2]...  
Having several times--  
Having many times rejoiced with you by letters over your prosperous  
fortunes, I know now that, as a friend you will be sad with me over  
the miserable state in which I find myself; and this is, that during  
the last few days I have been in so much trouble, fear, peril and  
loss, besides the miseries of the people here, that we have been  
envious of the dead; and certainly I do not believe that since the  
elements by their separation reduced the vast chaos to order, they  
have ever combined their force and fury to do so much mischief to  

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