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Well, yes--it does. That is--that is--"
Why so much that-is-ing? Would you select him?"
Mary, maybe the stranger knows him better than this village does."
Much that would help Burgess!"
The husband seemed perplexed for an answer; the wife kept a steady eye
upon him, and waited. Finally Richards said, with the hesitancy of one
who is making a statement which is likely to encounter doubt,
"Mary, Burgess is not a bad man."
His wife was certainly surprised.
"Nonsense!" she exclaimed.
He is not a bad man. I know. The whole of his unpopularity had its
foundation in that one thing--the thing that made so much noise."
"That 'one thing,' indeed! As if that 'one thing' wasn't enough, all by
"Plenty. Plenty. Only he wasn't guilty of it."
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