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As they knelt, the waters had risen to their shoulders. The doctor went
"Fiat voluntas tua."
Que votre volonté soit faite," stammered the Provençal.
And the Irishwoman and Basque woman cried,--
"Deuntar do thoil ar an Hhalàmb."
"Sicut in coelo, sicut in terra," said the doctor.
No voice answered him.
He looked down. All their heads were under water. They had let
themselves be drowned on their knees.
The doctor took in his right hand the flask which he had placed on the
companion, and raised it above his head.
The wreck was going down. As he sank, the doctor murmured the rest of
the prayer.
For an instant his shoulders were above water, then his head, then
nothing remained but his arm holding up the flask, as if he were showing
it to the Infinite.
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