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beneath his feet he felt that almost imperceptible oscillation which
prefaces the moment in which a wreck is about to founder. He said,--
Pater noster qui es in coelis."
The Provençal repeated in French,--
"Notre Père qui êtes aux cieux."
The Irishwoman repeated in Gaelic, understood by the Basque woman,--
"Ar nathair ata ar neamh."
The doctor continued,--
Sanctificetur nomen tuum."
Que votre nom soit sanctifié," said the Provençal.
Naomhthar hainm," said the Irishwoman.
Adveniat regnum tuum," continued the doctor.
Que votre règne arrive," said the Provençal.
Tigeadh do rioghachd," said the Irishwoman.
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