The Letters Of Mark Twain, Complete

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Day before yesterday I felt slightly warned to knock off work for one  
day. So I did it, and took the open air. Then I struck an idea for the  
instruction of the children, and went to work and carried it out. It  
took me all day. I measured off 817 feet of the road-way in our farm  
grounds, with a foot-rule, and then divided it up among the English  
reigns, from the Conqueror down to 1883, allowing one foot to the year.  
I whittled out a basket of little pegs and drove one in the ground at  
the beginning of each reign, and gave it that King's name--thus:  
I measured all the reigns exactly as many feet to the reign as there  
were years in it. You can look out over the grounds and see the little  
pegs from the front door--some of them close together, like Richard II,  
Richard Cromwell, James II, &c., and some prodigiously wide apart, like  
Henry III, Edward III, George III, &c. It gives the children a realizing  
sense of the length or brevity of a reign. Shall invent a violent game  
to go with it.  
And in bed, last night, I invented a way to play it indoors--in a  
far more voluminous way, as to multiplicity of dates and events--on a  
cribbage board.  
Hello, supper's ready.  
Love to all.  
Good bye.  

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