The Letters Of Mark Twain, Complete

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has been sick, and needed the trip very much.  
Mrs. Clemens had a long and wasting spell of sickness last Spring,  
but she is pulling up, now. The children are booming, and my health is  
ridiculous, it's so robust, notwithstanding the newspaper misreports.  
I haven't piled up MS so in years as I have done since we came here to  
the farm three weeks and a half ago. Why, it's like old times, to step  
right into the study, damp from the breakfast table, and sail right in  
and sail right on, the whole day long, without thought of running short  
of stuff or words.  
I wrote 4000 words to-day and I touch 3000 and upwards pretty often, and  
don't fall below 1600 any working day. And when I get fagged out, I lie  
abed a couple of days and read and smoke, and then go it again for 6 or  
days. I have finished one small book, and am away along in a big 433  
one that I half-finished two or three years ago. I expect to complete it  
in a month or six weeks or two months more. And I shall like it, whether  
anybody else does or not.  
It's a kind of companion to Tom Sawyer. There's a raft episode from it  
in second or third chapter of life on the Mississippi.....  
I'm booming, these days--got health and spirits to waste--got an  
overplus; and if I were at home, we would write a play. But we must do  
it anyhow by and by.  

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