1120 | 1121 | 1122 | 1123 | 1124 |
1 | 314 | 629 | 943 | 1257 |
beyond priests."
To W. D. Howells, in New York:
June 12, 6 p. m.
DEAR HOWELLS,--We have to sit and hold our hands and wait--in the
silence and solitude of this prodigious house; wait until June 25, then
we go to Naples and sail in the Prince Oscar the 26th. There is a
ship 12 days earlier (but we came in that one.) I see Clara twice a
day--morning and evening--greeting--nothing more is allowed. She keeps
her bed, and says nothing. She has not cried yet. I wish she could cry.
It would break Livy's heart to see Clara. We excuse ourselves from
all the friends that call--though of course only intimates come.
Intimates--but they are not the old old friends, the friends of the old,
old times when we laughed.
Shall we ever laugh again? If I could only see a dog that I knew in
the old times! and could put my arms around his neck and tell him all,
everything, and ease my heart.
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