The Letters Of Mark Twain, Complete

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An hour ago the best heart that ever beat for me and mine went silent  
out of this house, and I am as one who wanders and has lost his way. She  
who is gone was our head, she was our hands. We are now trying to make  
plans--we: we who have never made a plan before, nor ever needed to. If  
she could speak to us she would make it all simple and easy with a word,  
and our perplexities would vanish away. If she had known she was near to  
death she would have told us where to go and what to do: but she was not  
suspecting, neither were we. (She had been chatting cheerfully a moment  
before, and in an instant she was gone from us and we did not know it.  
We were not alarmed, we did not know anything had happened. It was a  
blessed death--she passed away without knowing it.) She was all our  
riches and she is gone: she was our breath, she was our life and now we  
are nothing.  
We send you our love--and with it the love of you that was in her heart  
when she died.  
Howells wrote his words of sympathy, adding: "The character which  
now remains a memory was one of the most perfect ever formed on the  
earth," and again, after having received Clemens's letter: "I cannot  
speak of your wife's having kept that letter of mine where she did.  
You know how it must humiliate a man in his unworthiness to have  
anything of his so consecrated. She hallowed what she touched, far  

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