The History of a Crime

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"It is declared that the High Court of Justice is organized, that it  
appoints[4] ... to fulfil with it the functions of the Public  
Ministry; that M. Bernard, the Recorder of the Court of Cassation,  
should fulfil the duties of Recorder, and in order to proceed  
further, according to the terms of the aforesaid Article 68 of the  
Constitution, the Court will adjourn until to-morrow, the 3d of  
December, at noon.  
Drawn up and discussed in the Council Chamber, where were sitting  
MM. Hardouin, president, Pataille, Moreau, Delapalme, and Cauchy,  
judges, December 2, 1851."  
The two Assistants, MM. Grandet and Quesnault, offered to sign the  
decree, but the President ruled that it would be more correct only to  
accept the signatures of the titular judges, the Assistants not being  
qualified when the Court was complete.  
In the meantime it was one o'clock, the news began to spread through the  
palace that a decree of deposition against Louis Bonaparte had been drawn  
up by a part of the Assembly; one of the judges who had gone out during  
the debate, brought back this rumor to his colleagues. This coincided  
with an outburst of energy. The President observed that it would be to  
the purpose to appoint a Procureur-General.  
There was a difficulty. Whom should they appoint? In all preceding trials  
they had always chosen for a Procureur-General at the High Court the  
Procureur-General at the Court of Appeal of Paris. Why should they  
introduce an innovation? They determined upon this Procureur-General of  

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