The History of a Crime

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published, in which are found these words of bad taste, Crime and  
High Treason; this judgment, a weapon of war, has never existed  
otherwise than as a projectile. Wisdom in a judge sometimes consists in  
drawing up a judgment which is not one, one of those judgments which has  
no binding force, in which everything is conditional; in which no one is  
incriminated, and nothing, is called by its right name. There are species  
of intermediate courses which allow of waiting and seeing; in delicate  
crises men who are in earnest must not inconsiderately mingle with  
possible events that bluntness which is called Justice. The High Court  
took advantage of this, it drew up a prudent judgment; this judgment is  
not known; it is published here for the first time. Here it is. It is a  
masterpiece of equivocal style:--  
The High Court of Justice.  
According to Article 68 of the Constitution, considering that  
printed placards beginning with these words, 'The President of the  
Republic' and ending with the signatures, 'Louis NapolĂ©on Bonaparte'  
and 'De Morny, Minister of the Interior,' the said placards ordaining  
amongst other measures the dissolution of the National Assembly, have  
been posted to-day on the walls of Paris, that this fact of the  
dissolution of the National Assembly by the President of the Republic  
would be of the nature to constitute the case provided for by Article  
68 of the Constitution, and renders, in the terms of the aforesaid  
article, the meeting of the High Court indispensable.  

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