The History of a Crime

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Peers. M. Delapalme had been Advocate-General, and had taken a prominent  
part in the Press trials under the Restoration; M. Pataille had been  
Deputy of the Centre under the Monarchy of July; M. Moreau (de la Seine)  
was noteworthy, inasmuch he had been nicknamed "de la Seine" to  
distinguish him from M. Moreau (de la Meurthe), who on his side was  
noteworthy, inasmuch as he had been nicknamed "de la Meurthe" to  
distinguish him from M. Moreau (de la Seine). The first Assistant, M.  
Grandet, had been President of the Chamber at Paris. I have read this  
panegyric of him: "He is known to possess no individuality or opinion of  
his own whatsoever." The second Assistant, M. Quesnault, a Liberal, a  
Deputy, a Public Functionary, Advocate-General, a Conservative, learned,  
obedient, had attained by making a stepping-stone of each of these  
attributes, to the Criminal Chamber of the Court of Cassation, where he  
was known as one of the most severe members. 1848 had shocked his notion  
of Right, he had resigned after the 24th of February; he did not resign  
after the 2d December.  
M. Hardouin, who presided over the High Court, was an ex-President of  
Assizes, a religious man, a rigid Jansenist, noted amongst his colleagues  
as a "scrupulous magistrate," living in Port Royal, a diligent reader of  
Nicolle, belonging to the race of the old Parliamentarians of the Marais,  
who used to go to the Palais de Justice mounted on a mule; the mule had  
now gone out of fashion, and whoever visited President Hardouin would  
have found no more obstinacy in his stable than in his conscience.  
On the morning of the 2d December, at nine o'clock, two men mounted the  
stairs of M. Hardouin's house, No. 10, Rue de Condé, and met together at  
his door. One was M. Pataille; the other, one of the most prominent  

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